Birthday party planning can be a challenge when the star of the show is an eight year old boy. If you are planning a birthday party for an eight year old boy you’ve probably been puzzled about what to do. We’ve put together some birthday party ideas for eight year old boys, free for you to use! We’ve picked three of our old favorites and three new ones. We are sure one will be right for your little guy.
3 Classic Favorites for Birthday Boys
Cowboys and Indians
Your little birthday king will whoop it up with this birthday party idea. Send out your cowboy themed invitations asking each guest to come dressed as a cowboy or Indian. Forget about being politically correct. It’s a fun idea! Decorations would be pretty simple. Outdoor picnic areas are perfect so kids will have plenty of space to run. Use hay bales, red and white checked tablecloths and lots of cowboy hats with fake sheriffs badges. Play outdoor games like sack races or Red Rover suing cowboys versus the Indians. Round everyone up for hot dogs, cupcakes and ice cream bars! Your little cowboy will love this idea.
Outer Space
It’s the aliens verses the astronauts with this birthday party idea. Have some weird and wacky green Jello games. Play pin the antenna on the alien (posterboard). Use aluminum foil and cardboard boxes to make space ships for kids to play in.
Art Fair
Instead of a standard, run of the mill birthday party, have an Art Fair. Send an artistic invitation to each guests and ask them to bring their best work of art for display. Also tell everyone to wear play clothes and let kids create new works of art. You could use fingerpaints and chalk with paper. You could also have a craft table where party goers could bead, color or glue. It’s a fun and creative party for the eight year old boy. Definitely an outside party idea though!
3 New Favorites for Birthday Boys
Every parent has probably heard of Bakugan! Have a Bakugan Brawlers party and ask your child’s guests to bring any Bakugan they may have to play with. You can find Bakugan decorations at most party stores or check online. You can download and use our coloring pages too! Free!
Although not completely new, they are new and improved! Having a Transformer themed party will be so much fun for kids. Use Bumblebee or Optimus Prime toys to decorate your cake or cupcakes. Every boy loves these guys!
Star Wars
The Clone Wars are making this show evergreen and popular with kids. Let kids come dressed as their favorite Star Wars characters. Let your little Luke Skywalker play with light sabers while listening to the Star Wars soundtrack. The ideas are endless with a Star Wars themed birthday party.
The above plans are just a few of how you want to celebrate your 8-year-old child’s birthday and each of the gifts mentioned have their own significance in their lives whereas toys and miniature action figures are now a thing of the past. You can always plan the birthday celebration Singapore for a change to make things better and plan birthday celebrations abroad which will be an enjoyable trip as well as a new experience for the child, perhaps his first major excursion for a trip abroad that he will remember and cherish for a lifetime, which will give him nostalgic moments as he grows up and envisages those memories during times of leisure.