Health and Fitness
Which Body-Shaping Treatment is Best?

Sometimes achieving the perfect body simply isn’t possible through diet and exercise alone. Instead of giving up on your ideal body image, why not consider a body shaping treatment? One of the most popular treatments has always been liposuction is [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]liposuction in Michigan which has given the best results for the fat draining treatment all over the state with the maximum number of successful surgeries. Of course, patients may also be interestedin a newer body-shaping treatment called Lipodissolve. Is liposuction or Lipodissolve the best option for you? Let’s look at the pros and cons of each treatment to discover if you’re better suited for liposuction or Lipodissolve.
Liposuction was first invented in 1974. Since then, patients have chose liposuction as a way to get rid of excess fat in trouble areas. Many people enjoy liposuction because it is a fairly easy way to remove excess fat from trouble areas. In some cases the patient may not have to be put to sleep during the liposuction process. In most cases liposuction is extremely safe and comes with minimal health risks. Of course, liposuction does have its downsides. First of all, the patient may have to wear a body stocking over the treated area after the liposuction treatment. Also, the patient may not be comfortable with the pain that comes from the liposuction surgery. Patients also need to remember that the results of liposuction are not permanent. Fat cells can come back after liposuction is performed. As you can see, liposuction is a fairly easy surgery. Liposuction has been performed for several years. Liposuction does cause pain. Liposuction also requires weeks of recovery.
If liposuction doesn’t sound like a great option for you, you may want to look into Lipodissolve. First of all, Lipodissolve is not surgery. With Lipodissolve, the patient simply receives micro-injections of phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC). When PCDC is administered during the first phase of the Lipodissolve process it will cause the fat cells in your body to harden and then dissolve. These fat cells are then excreted in only a few weeks. Best of all, Lipodissolve permanently rids your body of those fat cells. As you can see,
Lipodissolve is easy. Lipodissolve doesn’t require surgery. Lipodissolve only takes a few weeks. But, most importantly, Lipodissolve is permanent. Lipodissolve does have a few downsides. First of all, as the fat cells are hardening, they do become inflamed, which may cause the patient some discomfort. Lipodissolve also may be an uncomfortable procedure for patients who do not handle shots very well.
When looking at both liposuction and Lipodissolve, it’s easy to see that Lipodissolve is the least painful body-shaping technique. Also, with liposuction, the fat can come back. If the patient foresees their diet and exercise program slipping, Lipodissolve may be the best treatment for them. Last, but not least, while liposuction may remove excess fat from the body all at once, this does not happen without complications. Lipodissolve may take longer, but patients do not experience the same levels of pain or problems that liposuction patients do.
If you’re still having trouble deciding between liposuction and Lipodissolve, why not contact the experts at Fig? The staff at Fig is more than willing to help patients make the best decision on which body shaping treatment is for them. Even a quick look around will provide you with more information about the Lipodissolve treatment. You’ll be able to see how Lipodissolve works and you’ll even be able read testimonials from other Lipodissolve patients. Last, but not least, you can see how Lipodissolve patients look before and after the Lipodissolve treatment.
Lipodissolve and liposuction both have their ups and downs. Before deciding on either Lipodissolve or liposuction make sure to do your homework.