Health and FitnessSkin Care
Easy, At-Home Pedicures for Sweet Looking Feet

Are your feet ready for summer? Summertime is a great time to pull out your favorite flip-flops and bare those beautiful piggy toes. But after a long winter and a very busy spring, our feet need a little tender loving care to get them sandal ready. Broken nails, unsightly callouses, and chipped polish are not very appealing, are they? Here’s a great do it yourself pedicure that will help your tootsies look – and feel – their very best. In order to keep your feet free of pain, you can use acupressure solutions and if you have read mindinsole reviews, you will know just why.
Products. You’ll need a few things before you get started. Dig up a tub to soak your feet in, a nail file and/or clippers, your favorite nail polish, lotion, socks, nail polish remover, q-tips, sugar and olive oil, a pumice stone, and a yummy smelling body wash. And if your feet have a tendency to get stinky, grab a cup of white vinegar, too.
Wash and soak. You’ll want to start with clean feet so give them a quick wash in the tub first. And if you want to help prevent stinky feet, pour the white vinegar over your feet, let them sit for a minute or two, and then rinse off. This helps balance the good and bad bacteria. When the bad bacteria get out of hand, it causes smelly feet.
Soak. Pour some body wash and warm water into your foot tub, and put your feet in for a nice long soak. After a while, mix your sugar and olive oil together (a few tablespoons of each is plenty) and use it as a scrub for your dry skin. Work on any callouses with a pumice stone. It may take a few weeks of effort to get rid of callouses, but they should eventually wear off. Rinse and dry your feet.
Nails. You’ll need to clip and file your nails. Toenails should be straight across and even with the tip of your toe to prevent injury or ingrown toenails. Once you have your nails the way you like, take a little nail polish remover to clean any oil off of your toe nails. Apply a very thin basecoat to all your toenails. Once it is dry, apply your color coat. Use two coats of your favorite color (neon is totally hot right now) applied very thinly over the base coat. If you apply too many coats too thickly, you may get bubbles in the polish. Salon quality polishes are self-leveling, which means that they will look smoother after a minute or two. Once the color coat is dry, you can decorate with a nail polish pen or just put a clear top coat over the colors. Clean up any mistakes with a q-tip dipped in nail polish remover. Allow it to dry completely before putting on shoes! This is a great time to put your feet up and read a good book!
Lotion. At bedtime, once your polish is completely dry and hardened, you can lather your feet in a rich, thick lotion. Put on a pair of cotton socks for the night and let the lotion sink in. In the morning you’ll have lovely, soft feet.
For best results, apply a top coat every other day to keep your pedicure looking better longer. You can gently use the pumice stone every day so long as irritation does not develop. Keep up your DIY pedicure all summer long to keep your feet looking sweet.