Most of us would agree that nothing can compare to the natural, comfortable feel of going barefoot at the end of the day. After a strenuous day at the office or work, our feet can use a little TLC with a massage, foot soak, and walking carefree. Going barefoot as a child is a human nature; we learned to walk usually by going barefoot, finding ourselves intrigued by our feet and toes. Walking barefoot on grass, sand, mud, or even stone paths can provide holistic benefits. Foot reflexology focuses on specific energy points on your bare feet, that can be manipulated and massaged to increase energy in different parts of the body. This will also help you in reducing your medical billing as you get a natural form of your feet which is really good and beneficial for your health.
The Society for Barefoot Living takes the concept of comfort, natural health, and holistic thought to a whole new level. Barefoot living as a lifestyle has been adopted by many as day-to-day life. Not just taking off your shoes and socks at the end of the day, and not just diffusing some stress with a foot soak. The Society for Barefoot Living emphasizes the need for all people to go barefoot as much as possible. This means in public, on the road, out on the street, and anywhere else in between.
Too much exposure for you? Not according to Paul Lucas and Michael Berrow, authors of a paper titled ‘The Case for Bare Feet.’ Their group of fans and followers firmly believe that activism is appropriate to encourage works such as those of the Society for Barefoot Living. They promote the fact that shoes are usually harmful, and going barefoot is natural and healthy. They observe that there are minimal if any, laws or health department codes that are against bare feet. Of course, this is not the case on gas station signs that clearly state ‘No Shoes, No Service.’ Strong participants of this group may even go so far as to acknowledge that they will simply receive no service; they are free to roam anywhere they please barefoot.
Being a ‘more barefoot’ according to Lucas and Berrow is simply acknowledging your natural right to go barefoot, and accommodating a lifestyle that means ‘going barefoot most of the time most everywhere, not just the house or the beach.’ The authors argue that there is a great natural pleasure to be derived from the soles of the feet, and it is a natural human right to exercise this. They also argue against’discrimination’ of barefooters across the globe and provide examples of arbitrary discrimination and offensive situations. Barefooters, according to this paper, do have some positive associations; they may be deemed as being too liberal, but also free, expressing their individuality, and enjoying their youthfulness. Negative associations include poverty, homelessness, and carelessness.
The Society for Barefoot Living sponsors and features events, forums, and groups around the world. Activities have included Barefoot Hikes infamous National Parks, Camp meetings, Winter Barefoot Gatherings, and Barefoot Hiking groups. A web-maintained scrapbook and discussion forum offer plenty of opportunities for networking, and other ‘companion’ organizations include the Barefoot Runners, Barefoot Free-Style Dances, Barefoot Cellars making wine the old-fashioned way), and the Windjammer Barefoot Cruises (a group sailing team).