Invention of computer, a boon or a bane?

Hi guys, as this is the first post of this blog and from the heading you might have guessed about what I am going to talk about in this blog. So instead of having a boring introduction to this blog, let’s have an interesting perspective on why should you read this blog more often or what is that we are going to offer that you should not dare to deny.
As I believe in doing things which are necessary to do and one should not procrastinate in doing them, so there is a reason why I am starting this blog post. There are already many blogs concerning this area of problem but even then very few of us read these kinds of blogs. So it is my effort towards society as whole in order to create awareness among people on how important these blogs are or what impact they can have on your life.
So let us first discuss about the problems and then we will come to solutions which is the ultimate aim of this blog. We will cover these problems in the form of questions and answers to make it little interesting.
Q1. Why was computer invented by humans?
You must be thinking what a silly question this is. But still I want you to answer this. So the first basic answer (which is the ultimate one also) will be to reduce human effort in doing routine work so that we can be more productive and efficient in our daily lives. images Computer is simply a machine doing whatever is instructed to do and generally we use it to do work which is repetitious in nature.
In order to use computers more efficiently new developments in software fields were made and various types of innovations in network technologies happened so that we can use our computers to do as much work for us.
Q2. But are we free after the invention of computer or our lives are even worse than before?
Now you tell me one thing, as most of us deal with computers in our day to day life. Have you ever thought how efficient you are while using your computer? Now you can argue that of-course I am efficient as compared to the stone age workers but that is not a fair comparison. As we progress we need to level up our efficiency, so I will tell you one technique in order to judge your efficiency while using your computer.
Just ask yourself these questions:
Computer are invented for the purpose of reducing the repetition in our life, but is it fulfilling that purpose. Are you even when using computer engaged in doing repetitive kind of stuff for e.g:
- Are you still deleting hundreds of contacts from your phone one by one manually?
- Are you still scrolling down the excel sheet rows using down arrow button?
- Are you still using your mouse to deal with every function except when you type alphabets?
- Are you still entering data from one application to other in appropriate fields manually?
- Are you still using the old versions of softwares which keeps on crashing (E.g Internet Explorer) ?
- Are you still keeping all your secrets or passwords in the small notepad in your wallet ?
- Are you still taking notes on your notepad and later searching it like anything when required?
- Are you still doing the kind of stuff the computer can do for you given you have correct knowledge of how to operate it?
So most of us will answering yes to the above questions. If we are doing that much of stuff manually then what’s the point of operating a computer. No doubt that your computer is a extremely powerful machine and it is capable of doing wonders. But the only caveat is you have to instruct it to do so. You need to make your computer your slave not the vice-versa.
Now the question arises, what can we do in order to increase our productive and to make more efficient use of our computer devices?
See there are many ways in which you can save your time performing same tasks on computer with the little knowledge about your computer and the technologies used to operate it.
For example you can start using shortcuts while using your operating system, you can install certain applications which are very helpful or if you are somewhat tech loving person you can also write some code in order to develop custom features.