Internet and Businesses Online
How to Back Up the Important Data on Your Computer

For most of us data backup is a very important part of maintaining our computer systems. It is essential that we not only back up our computer state and drivers, but also our personal data. For example, I sotre many of my most valued pictures on my computer if my hard drive were to crash I woul hate to lose all those precious memories. This is why I back up all of my personal data including my pictures once a month.
Data room services are there simply to keep the data safe and secure with utmost security measures to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
The first step in backing up your data, is deciding what means you are going to use to do so. This could be by way of a CD/DVD, USB flash drive, additional hard drive, or website. I personally prefer using either a flash drive or CD/DVD, so I will walk you through the process of using both of these methods.
Next, consider what you will be backing up it could be pictures, personal documetns, maybe a school project. Whatever the case go through your files and folders to make sure your account for everything you want to put on either a USB drive or CD/DVD. If your data is scattered throughout your computer, I suggest first creating a folder called back up or something to that effect that will house all this data wihile you prepare to put it on your back up device. You can do this by going to your my documents folder, or really any location you chose within your computer and selecting either organize if running Vista, or file for other OS types and create a new folder. This will create a new folder that is highlighted. If you click your mouse into the text box of the folder you can rename it. A simple way to copy the data to your back up folder would be right click on the file or folder you wish to back up, and select copy from the drop down menu. This will copy the data and you can then go back to your back up folder and double click on it to open it, right click on an empty space within the folder and select past from the drop down menu. Your data should now appear within the back up folder.
Now, go ahead and insert your back up device either a CD/DVD or USB flash drive. With either method the simplest way I have found to transfer the data from the folder to the device is go to start gt;my computer gt;and select the name and drive letter of your device. This will open up the device on your screen. From this point, go to your back up folder and select the entire folder with your mouse and while still holding down the left mouse button drag the folder into the device once over a blank area let go of the left mouse button. You should see the entire back up folder and its contents transferred to the backup media.
Once the transfer is complete, remove your USB flash drive or CD/DVD drive from your computer, and put it in a safe place free of dust and moisture. Repeat this process often to ensure all personal and important data are backed up in case of complete hard drive failure.