DatingValentines Day
How to Avoid the Valentines Day Blues

Valentines Day is almost here. A day when couples around the world express their feelings for each other with material goods and sexual favors. For those ‘lucky’ people, its a fun filled romantic holiday. However, for single people its easily the loneliest day of the year. Trust me, I’ve been single for every Valentines Day to date. Relationships seem to always end in January for me. As such, I have plenty of experience being alone and single on Valentines Day. Follow these tips to avoid being too lonely on Valentines Day:
- Do not talk to any of your ‘coupled up’ friends.
On Valentines Day, any of your friends with girlfriends, fiance, or wives are no longer your friends. You can talk to them the day after. Ignore them on Valentines Day. If you talk to them, you’ll be finding out what they will do, or have done, with their significant other. They’ll share with you how they bought chocolates and flowers and had a fancy night out. You don’t want to hear that, so just ignore them. Click here to read some better alternatives instead, which might be of better help to you.
- Avoid dating hot spots.
Stay away from movie theaters. I cannot stress this enough. If you go there you’ll be utterly dismal. Even though in my opinion its a lame Valentines Day date, many couples do a cliche ‘dinner and a movie’ type date. Another negative aspect about Valentines Day is that some men try to be creative with their dates. This can result in seeing romantic couples pretty much everywhere.
If at all possible, avoid going out alone. When you decide to leave the house, see if a fellow single friend wants to join you. This helps quite a bit in a few ways. Firstly, you aren’t alone. This will relieve you of focusing all your attention on whats going on around you. Secondly, you and your friends can make fun of couples doing couple things. Who doesn’t like that?
- Do NOT call any exes.
It may seem like a good idea when you’re at the peak of your loneliness, but its not. Even though you’re sober, calling someone you used to date seems like a good idea. Stay strong, when you get the urge to call an ex, do something engaging; such as playing a video game, reading a book, walking your dog. Based on personal experience, if you become weak and call an ex, it will not help. For me, the exes are usually dating someone. This will make you far more depressed than you previously were.
Seriously, don’t call any exes.
- Don’t drink. Do smoke.
Alcohol is not the lonely mans drug on Valentines day. It will only add on to your depression. Unless you’re drinking with a group of friends, just don’t do it. However, marijuana will help. It’ll make you quite a bit happier. Order a pizza, get some bread sticks, pack a fresh bowl, and do it up right. I’m not endorsing drug use at all, but if you’re already using, may as well use on Valentines Day.
- Avoid the media.
If you’re like me, you watch TV, read the news, read a few blogs, maybe post on a forum or two, and check few social networking sites daily. Take a break from this for the day. Granted you can still get away with a few blogs, forums, and niche news sources, but just don’t try. You’re already lonely, and (and similar) advertisements will be increasingly appealing. Don’t be that guy who signs up for a dating site on Valentines Day.
You may have noticed that everything on this list is restricting your behavior. The cold hard truth is that Valentines Day is not your day. For us single folk, this is a day of avoidance and isolation. If you wish to avoid self pity and minor depression, its not the day to gallivant around town.