Depending on your lifestyle, hobbies and probably several other factors, will determine what you consider “The Best Website of 2008”. As the title implies, this is based around work at home mom’s (WAHM’s), marketing your site and/or developing one. These are my favorites that I visit daily. When I decided to become a self-sufficient WAHM, I did my research and found sites that merely took up web space and others that are invaluable, all in order to help further my passion while earning a passive income. I will list the 5 best sites I use. I will name my favorite at the end, so be sure to read through and more importantly, check my top best websites out by clicking on their links! Especially if you are looking at profiting with the net as so many others have done. If I can do it, YOU can!
- Profitable Mommy Blogging –
Is a daily blog and weekly pod cast that shares tips, tricks, stories and advice for moms (or dad’s, if you don’t mind all the pink!) who want to earn an income from blogging. You can never know enough!
This site has provided me with a network of friends who are a great support and more importantly this site is listed as one of my best websites since it offers many different ideas to help me achieve my goal of becoming financially independent; independent from the outside workforce.
- Frugal WAHMS Talk Radio –
A site which enables moms to help others with business tips and frugal advice. Of course you don’t have to be a mom or a woman to benefit from their advice. They also have a weekly internet talk radio show that you can access through this website. The show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays and is not only fun, but is full of great advice!
As you peruse their website you will see that they literally have link after link of great offers and advice. My personal favorite is located under Business Tips and is titled “Small Business Tips Tuesday”, which of course comes out on Tuesdays. Through this link I have been able to access many additional websites that have helped me to market my existing website and has led me to great sites that are user friendly.
- Seo Book –
A blog that offers marketing tips, search analysis, and so much more! They offer a multitude of links to help guide people in the right direction when it comes to marketing.
What an incredible site! It offers free links to help market your site and also gives you the opportunity to learn from other people. I have found that the information is great, especially for people who don’t have the marketing experience and/or are new to the entire concept. Marketing your site, as I have learned, is the single most important piece of earning income through the internet; you have to have visitors to your site in order to profit from affiliates.
- Internet Based Moms –
A community and website for Moms (or Men) who want or have an internet based business, from eCommerce to Niche Blogging.
I stumbled across this website while looking for ideas for marketing and general information on having my own website in which I wanted to promote, with making money as the primary goal. It has many valuable links and suggestions to get started and maintain you website.
The above are not in any necessary order. However, my #1 site is there for a reason. As you will see.
- My Choice for The Best Website of 2008 is: The Niche Blogger –
A mother of 4 and an internet “newbie” discovered a way to earn a passive income of over $5000 per month and developed a step-by-step plan teaching others the secrets to her success.
The HUGE difference in this is, first of all, it is NOT an MLM, a get rich quick scheme, no promises of yachts, fancy cars with names I can’t pronounce or huge estates. Though she (the developer) could very well be making a fortune selling her knowledge, keeps the membership fee VERY low so that “average” people can afford to learn her methods, network with others, and begin earning the same passive income that she has. Her plan works. I do not regret joining her site and though we are all cautious of schemes, you will see that Amy’s plan is well written, user friendly and most importantly, WORKS.
Though I only have one site in the works at this time, designed from what I learned from The Niche Blogger, within 6 months I should have 3-6 more websites, or more. Those of you who do not work a full-time job currently can do even more. People that aren’t technically challenged, as I am, could work even faster. This is why it is very crucial to know the 5 tips for creating the best medical website design and other business website design. It will allow you to generate more leads.
In a nutshell I get to do what I love: write. I have learned so much about technology in the process which can only help me in my future. I look forward to the day that I can give my 2 weeks notice and live off the income she has taught me to earn. All thanks go to Amy, and of course my will to learn and succeed.