The Advantage of Living On-campus All Four Years of College

What is interesting about the human experience is that people are always rushing to get to the next thing. Even though a new condo launch in Singapore might be getting you excited but there is nothing that beats this particular experience. When kids are younger, they can’t wait to get older. High school students can’t wait to get a car and gain a level of independence. The same thing goes for many residential college students who often cannot wait to get off-campus and live on their own. On some level this is understandable. After many years of living under the rules of authority figures, students are ready to break out and experience more freedom in life. Of course, older adults have the wisdom to know that independence can often be overrated. While students may get tired of following institutional rules, there are some advantages to staying on campus for the entire collegiate career.
Being on time
One very practical advantage to being on campus is that students will have greater potential to get to class on time. If students live off campus, they have to deal with driving, finding a parking spot, and rushing to class. Granted, being on campus does not guarantee that students will be on time. Sometimes being close in proximity makes people even less responsible about alarm clocks, meals, and time management. However, the potential for punctuality is still there and many students may experience less stress by having the convenience of on-campus access to their classes.
Access to facilities
Another advantage to living on campus is that students have easier access to various facilities. This can include the library, labs, athletic facilities, stores, and eating establishments. Again, these are the types of places that can still be accessed by a student who is living off campus. However, when students are at off campus locations, they may be less prone to hassle with driving to campus in order to access one building. The on campus student is much more likely to take a short walk to a conveniently located facility, which can often enhance their overall college experience.
Activities and connections
While students go to school for an education, there is also a major social component to the college campus. The on campus student is much more likely to get involved in activities, clubs, and events because they are close by. This makes the overall collegiate experience much more satisfying, and participation can lead to a greater number of relationships and connections. Life is often about networking, and many college relationships continue for the rest of people’s lives. Therefore, living on campus may restrict some student’s freedom, but it can pay dividends when they get into the vocational world.
Independence will come
Ultimately, college is one of the more unique experiences of life and it should be savored. Again, this can be difficult to explain to a college student who can’t wait to get on to the next phase of their life. However, there is real value in living on campus because independence will be a reality soon enough. When students graduate, they will experience freedom but they will also start to understand that with freedom comes responsibility. The off campus student can certainly enjoy themselves and have a positive college experience, but there is a richness to living on campus that is often difficult to replicate.