Health and Fitness
High-Intensity Training Equals A High Level Of Burn Out

Just recently, I’ve been reading about high-intensity training, hgh and testosterone together—well actually I have read about it for years, but seeing as how I just read about it again, I figured I’d give you my opinion on it.
High-intensity training, the way I understand it, involves doing a couple of progressively heavier warm-up sets and then one all-out work set.
Yes, you actually only do one work set, but the set is taken to failure.
The high-intensity style of training is brutal, but it works, however, there are many problems with it.
The fact that it is brutally hard, now there is nothing wrong with hard work, to the contrary, you must work hard if you want to succeed in anything, not just bodybuilding.
However, to me, there is just too much of a chance for burn-out.
Every time you go workout, it has to be all out—how long is this going to last, a week maybe two.
Of course, I can hear people saying, well then you could just take a week off every couple of weeks to help your body recover.
Great concept, except for one thing.
You still go back to the same all-out training style and for my money; mentally this is going to get old really quick.
Sure every four to six weeks you COULD switch over to a more traditional bodybuilding style routine, where you do eight to twelve reps per set for multiple sets, all the while leaving something in the hole—meaning you don’t go to failure.
Sounds good right?
The way the high-intensity people lay-it-out, (at least in my opinion) high-intensity training is really the only way to make gains.
Tons of muscle have been built over the years using every single idea around.
Some professional bodybuilders have used high-intensity training successfully—but to me, this just compounds the problem.
Most professional bodybuilders have genetics that is so far ahead of most people it isn’t even funny.
They can use the above high-intensity training and grow because they have the genetics for it.
So where does that leave someone with average genetics, or even below average genetics—are you sunk?
High-intensity training works, as does every other form of training, but only for a few weeks.
So if you want to give high-intensity training a shot, do so but only for a few weeks, and keep a VERY close eye on how you are feeling.
So if you start feeling burned out, ie; loss of appetite, no desire to train, and lifts start falling off, stop using high intensity and take a week off of all training.
If this happens to you only after a week or so, then I would advise you to take a close look at everything, your sleep habits, your eating habits, everything.
If you are doing everything right and are still not going well on high-intensity training, then simply stop it, and know that you gave it a shot and it just did not work out for you.
On the other hand, if you are still feeling good after four weeks of high-intensity training—stop it and go back to your regular bodybuilding style workouts, knowing that you can come back to high-intensity training a few times a year when you want to change things up.
If you decide to try high-intensity training, there are three things that you MUST do.
First, warm up very well before your all outset.
And second, make sure you are getting at least six hours of sleep per night; however, eight would be better.
Plus, make sure your eating is spot on, with no missing meals.
Make sure you are taking in plenty of protein to help with muscle growth and repair.
High-intensity training, to me, is just like any other method, it works, but only for so long, and then you need to make a change.
If you’re up for a challenge give high-intensity training a go.
Just don’t fall into the trap of believing it is the only way to train.